The understanding of the unity of our multifaceted world is the most important and most difficult challenge in capturing how the universe works as a whole.

The reason this is the case is because a transfinite matterofmind conception is required in order to understand how the universe expands. This means that we must not only eliminate the failed epistemological notions of discreteness and linearity from our habits of thinking, but that we must also eliminate the epistemologically flawed notions of believing that things are made up of points and holes.

As Lyn demonstrated, this change in our view of the universe is aimed at representing the reality of the fact that “knowledge is a unity;” which means that the truth about the human mind is that it must follow the principles which underlie the fabric of the physical universe itself and, therefore, must reflect the unity of such a transfinite principle as a true knowledge of the One and the Many that emerges from Plato’s Cave.

The implication, here, is that this unity of knowledge must be reflected in such a manner that each facet of change in the universe is present and resonates, isochronically, in every other facet of change, like a transfinite series of nested manifolds; and the truth of it cannot be expressed outside of that multifaceted quality of the universe as a whole.



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